China ' s contract law has clearly regulated the right of withdrawal system 我国《合同法》第一次明确规定了撤消权制度。
Liquid withdrawal system 液体回收装置
So the rule of withdrawal system to realization the justice of criminal judicature cannot be neglected 因此,刑事回避制度的建立与完善,对刑事司法正义的全面实现有着不可忽视的作用。
However , the withdrawal system doesn ’ t have the deserved attention in our criminal procedure legislation and practice 然而,在我国刑事诉讼立法和实践中,对回避制度缺乏应有的关注和重视。
The discussion on public company withdrawal system should not repeat on concept and significance of the existing related writings but practically innovate 对上市公司退市制度的讨论,应力图避免现有的相关著述中对退市制度的概念、意义的重复赘述,以求务实创新。
As an important internal requirement in the grand task of procedural justice , the withdrawal system of civil procedure is an guarantee for the realization of the whole litigation justice 民事诉讼回避制度作为程序公正这个宏观课题的重要内在要求,是实现诉讼整体公正的重要保障。
As for china , in the past the government had been over - protecting domestic banks and there was no probability for them to exit , saying nothing of the withdrawal system 我国以前实施计划经济体制,资金长期严重短缺,使我国银行业长期以来一直成为最受保护的行业,以国家信用代替了银行信用,银行根本没有退出之虞。
As an important system in civil procedure law , the withdrawal system is stipulated more specific and scientific , much more it can do to protect and manifest the justice of the litigation process and result 回避制度作为民事诉讼法的一项重要制度,法律对其规定得越明确实用、越科学合理,就越能保障和体现诉讼程序的公正和诉讼结果的公正。
Basing on the condition of our country , the author explains the concept and classifications of the withdrawal system of civil procedure , reviews its history and gives a deep analyze of its litigation and judicial conditions 本文立足我国国情,在廓清民事诉讼回避制度的概念、分类的基础上,重温了回避制度尤其是民事诉讼回避制度的历史沿革,并对其立法和司法现状进行深入分析。
And then deeply dissects the four reasons , by changing the idea of “ substance is more important than procedure ” , rethinking the judicial and cultural tradition , perfecting the legislation and relative systems , the author hopes to realize the original aim of the withdrawal system of civil procedure 并对这三个原因进行深入剖析,在转变“重实体、轻程序”的观念、对司法、文化传统进行深刻反思的基础上,完善现行立法,建立健全现行民事诉讼回避制度相关制度,以期实现设立民事诉讼回避制度的初衷。